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Write to NTFS drives on your Mac with native macOS dialogs that feel right at home. Since macOS lost NTFS write support, we got you covered!

🎯 Simple & Focused

One script that does one thing well - mounting NTFS drives with write access. No GUI bloat, just clean functionality.

🔐 Native Experience

Uses macOS's native file picker and authentication dialogs. Feels right at home on your Mac.

🤖 AI Co-developed

An experiment in human-AI collaboration. All code is written by AI, with humans focusing on design, review, and direction. This must be a fun ride!

🚀 To use:

Double-click in Finder
or Run in your favorite terminal

Then follow the prompts!

💻 Installation

0. First, you'll need Homebrew for all the cool stuff 🍺

1. Install required dependencies:

brew install --cask macfuse
brew install gromgit/fuse/ntfs-3g-mac

2. Change to where you want to keep the script (don't get lost 😉):

cd ~/Downloads     # or wherever you prefer

3. Download and make executable:

curl -L -o
chmod +x

4. Configure security settings:

Note: These security settings are required by macOS to allow third-party file system drivers. They only need to be configured once, unless you uninstall or reinstall the drivers. Refer to macFUSE wiki for more details.

🌟 Contribution

🎉 Contributions and suggestions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or pull requests.

🤝 As a human-AI collaboration project:

🛡️ Given wide-spread AI concerns, safety review is welcome.